Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ice Storm

Destructive, but beautiful !!  ...Broken trees & limbs caused power outage for three days...
 ...But sparkled pretty when the sun came out...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Recent Guests Celebrate Fall Evening !!

The Palmers of Florida contributed these photos of their bonfire celebration during a recent balmy fall evening at the Pondview Guesthouse.  Exotic photos; nice guests !!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Autumn Scenes

...  Balmy and clear day after day with the whimsical colors of fall leaves playing on the eyes...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Morning Light

Fall lighting sets the ambiance for morning walks !!    The pond breathes its warmth into the cool air...
... and finally equilibrates with the atmosphere.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Transitioning to Fall ...

The late summer wildflowers -- goldenrod, asters, thistles -- are coming into bloom.  A few colored leaves on the black gums and maples starting to show.   Morning and evening lighting beginning to have a softer glow...

For some it may be a melancholy time, for others a time of exuberance.  For nature, it's the completion of another growing cycle. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Vegetables to Share !!

Thanks to a great load of manure and the help of "friendly" dog Stella who does discourage foraging by deer and rabbits, our vegetable garden is doing well this year -- plus it seems to be a "low bug" year so far. We've been harvesting and freezing mostly greens until recently-- but we are about to be overwhelmed with green beans, summer squash, and cucumbers.  Tomatoes, peppers, and okra to follow.   And always a variety of fresh herbs to add exotic flavors for cooking and salads.
... Plenty to share with our guests !!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer Season on the "temperate" Blue Ridge

We are well into summer season now with our typical pattern of pleasantly warm days and cool nights up here at 2900+ ft elevation. The woods and field edges are lush and green -- with first Blackeyed Susans just starting to bloom.  The spring-fed pond is always available for a refreshing dip or you can walk down into the woods and stick your feet into the cool creeks. Nighttime entertainment includes fireflies sparkling in the trees with frogs providing the soundtrack.  Morning birds songs are the "wake-up symphony."

Check out the links under the Area Attractions tab to find out about local places and events of interest -- including music venues, craft shows and markets, festivals, wineries, and hiking opportunities.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Spring back on track !!

Spring flowers now into the next stages.  Trees are leafing out and tree frogs making lots of noise at night ...
.  .

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hail Storm Hits Meadows of Dan !!

Wow !!  It was quite a spectacle.  Weather can certainly be interesting -- even when it does cause inconvenience and damage.  We temporarily mourn our lost spring flowers, but there will no doubt be more as the season progresses...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring is busting out all over !!

You first sense it with the morning light, smell it in the dew, and hear it in the bird songs. Then see it in the flowers.   Daffodils in bloom and forsythia just starting.  Maples beginning to flower and tree buds swelling.  Spring is happening fast !!

Morning Light

Monday, February 27, 2012

February Snow

... It was nice to get a bit of "seasonable weather" the other day -- a short, benevolent winter snowfall of about 3-4 inches on Sunday, February 19th....

...  The next morning we had glorious sunshine and about a half day to play and explore the property before the major melt set in...

... Now we're back to our "unseasonably early springtime conditions" -- but no complaints about that either...

Friday, February 17, 2012

An Early Spring !!

Sure signs of an unusally early spring up here on the mountaintop.  While snowdrops have been blooming since January -- we just spotted the first crocus and daffodil blossoms in the warm sunshine spots.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter Hoar Frost

... Certainly we've been having a mild and bland winter this year -- but there are surprising little weather episodes of real delight -- such as the beautiful "hoar frost" on the morning of January 22nd.   Wherever we wandered, the eye was entertained....
With the cold temperatures, the effects lasted throughout the day, but then with a warming spell that evening, it all melted as a "delayed rain."